How long does it take you to create a blog post? No matter how long it takes, producing interesting content to keep your target audience interested can be one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks for a business owner. In business today, they say content is king. In our case as women entrepreneurs, content is QUEEN and we have to produce quality content and promote it to pull people into our business. (Check out: “What Is Inbound Marketing & Why Is It So Important?”) To make sure we have content to promote across different channels, one blog post can create a week’s worth of content.
Here are eight awesome ways to repurpose content from one blog post:
1. Newsletter – Take your blog post and distribute it as a newsletter to those that signup for your newsletter and add a special message.
2. Facebook – Take 3-5 points out of your blog post and post them on Facebook.
3. Twitter – Take 5-10 points out of your blog post and post them on Twitter.
4. Images – Create images from your blog content, with your quotes and your logo, then post them on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. People love images! A great one can go viral.
5. Video – Read your blog post out loud and post it to YouTube or TikTok. Hint: Videos come up first on keywords in google.
6. Audio – Record your most important points on Spreaker and link them back to Soundcloud or other social audio platforms.
7. Slideshow – Take your blog posts and turn them into a slide show. You can use PowerPoint and upload it to a slide-sharing site like SlideShare.
8. PDF – Turn your blog post into a PDF and upload it to a doc-sharing site, such as Scribd.
Some of these sources will result in more traffic than others, but every little bit helps. These are great sources to build your multimedia empire. In what ways are you repurposing your royal content?